Interview With Kenny Hughes, Jr. CEO Shell Landing
A Light Hearted Golf Q & A Interview
By Brian Weis
Below is an interview with Kenny Hughes, Jr., the CEO at Shell Landing . The following are a few traditional and non traditional golf centric questions that I love to ask influential people in the golf industry.
Can you provide our readers a brief biography?
Starting playing at age 10 became good enough to be number 1 on my high school team. Went to junior college and played two years for Mississippi Gulf Coast where I won many events and the state championship. Went to two junior college national championships. I then played for the University of Nebraska in 1983 then transferred to Southern Mississippi where I played my final year of eligibility.
I then became an assistant professional in 1986 at Hickory Hill CC where I worked for five years. Became a PGA member in 1992 and took my first head professional job at the Broardwater Sun Course in Biloxi, Ms. In 200 I came to Shell Landing and opened the course as the general manger. I purchased Shell Landing and Hickory Hill in September 2012 and became the CEO.
When did you start golfing and who introduced you to the game?
I started playing when I was 10 years old at a par 3 & 4 in Biloxi. My father taught me how to hold the club and line up and ball position. On the fifth hole that during my first round I had 115 yard shot over water. The green was tucked in a corner with a fence just left and behind the green. I placed the ball on the rubber tee and hit a 3 wood in the top of the pine trees over the green. I was hooked for life.
What is your current home course?
Shell Landing GC and Hickory Hill CC which I am a part owner and CEO of both courses.
To date, what is your proudest golf accomplishment?
Being able to put together a small group of businessmen and purchase two courses I worked at Hickory Hill as an apprentice for five years and at Shell Landing for thirteen years. I also worked for eight years as the director of golf at the Broadwater Sun course between Hickory and Shell. All of my career I have been able to work in my home town where my family and friends live.
What is your biggest golf pet peeve on or off the course?
Slow play
What is your favorite club in your bag and why?
My putter. The putter is what allows me to save pars and make birdies.
What is your favorite golf destination?
The Mississippi Gulf Coast :-)
What course is on your bucket list that you have not played yet?
Augusta National
If you woke up tomorrow and could play one course you played before, where would you play?
Newport CC. Site of the 1st US Open and 1st US Amateur. Tiger won his second US Amateur and Annika won her last US Open.
If you could change one aspect, rule or thing about golf, what would it be and why?
Everyone that played on a course would have to pass a test on etiquette. I see to many people who don't fix ball marks on greens, repair divots in fairways or rake bunkers. I see to many people that drive carts off the path around tees and greens that damages the playing surface. I also see players that don't play ready golf which leads to slow play.
Dream foursome (living)?
Tiger, Jack and Arnie.
Dream foursome (living or dead)?
Bobby Jones
Byron Nelson
Ben Hogan
18 Rapid Fire, Off The Cuff Questions
1) Hitting Long Drive OR Sinking Long Putt?
Sinking Long Putt
2) Having Round of Life OR Hole in One?
Round of Life. If you are playing for money you will rack up.
3) Golfing at the crack of dawn OR twilight?
Twilight, no dew on the ground, no maintenance workers, peaceful time of day.
4) Hit a power fade OR power draw?
Power draw
5) Beverage cart OR halfway house?
Beverage Cart
6) Bathroom OR bushes?
Bathroom when close, bushes when need arises.
7) Hot dog OR wrap?
Wrap at this point in my life.
8) Around the green, being in sand OR thick rough?
Sand is an art, thick rough you just hack and hope.
9) Walking OR riding?
Walking if I have the time and a caddy.
10) Do you carry traditional 3 iron OR hybrid?
Hybrid, so much easier to hit. If you are still carrying a 3 iron you are a tour pro or you play on a tight course where you have to punch it out of the trees.
11) Do you prefer long par 3 OR long par 5?
Long par 5
12) Pants OR Shorts?
13) Palmer OR Nicklaus?
14) Beatles OR Elvis?
Elvis. Come on I'm from Mississippi. I still remember where I was when I heard he died. Playing golf on hole number two at a par 3 course I grew up playing.
15) Play for fun OR play for money?
Money. It gets the juices flowing and you have to focus.
16) Bump and run OR flop shot?
Flop shot
17) Lay up OR gamble?
18) 18 holes OR 36?
18 holes at this stage of my life.
Revised: 04/22/2015 - Article Viewed 36,142 Times
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About: Brian Weis
Brian Weis is the Publisher of GolfTrips.com, a network of golf travel and directory sites including GolfWisconsin.com, GolfMichigan.com, ArizonaGolfer.com, GolfAlabama.com, etc. Professionally, Brian is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America (GWAA), International Network of Golf (ING), Golf Travel Writers of America (GTWA), International Golf Travel Writers Association (IGTWA) and The Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG). In 2016, Brian won The Shaheen Cup, an award given to a golf travel writer by his peers.
All of his life, Brian has been around the game of golf. As a youngster, Brian competed at all levels in junior and high school golf. Brian had a zero chance for a college golf scholarship, so he worked on the grounds crew at West Bend Country Club to pay for his University of Wisconsin education. In his adult years, his passion for the game collided with his entrepreneurial spirit and in 2004 launched GolfWisconsin.com. In 2007, the idea for a network of local golf directory sites formed and GolfTrips.com was born. Today, the network consists of a site in all 50 states supported by national sites like GolfTrips.com, GolfGuide.com and GolfPackages.com. It is an understatement to say, Brian is passionate about promoting golf and golf travel on a local, regional, national and international level.
On the golf course, Brian is known as a fierce weekend warrior that fluctuates between a 5-9 handicap. With a soft fade, known as "The Weis Slice", and booming 300+ drives, he can blast it out of bounds with the best of them.
Contact Brian Weis:
GolfTrips.com - Publisher and Golf Traveler